8 Best Butter Extract Substitutes

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Butter Extract Substitutes



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Butter extract is a dairy product that consists of milk proteins. It replicates the rich flavor of butter without all the extra greasiness and calories added to your dish. Butter extract isn’t vegan but is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. 

It is commonly used in baking recipes, including cupcakes, cookies, or brownies. Butter extract can also be used to make sweet and savory dishes. If you cannot get your hands on butter extract, an alternative may come in handy.

You can use olive oil, real butter, canola oil, almond extract, Greek yogurt, vanilla extract, greek yogurt, applesauce, or almond butter as butter extract substitutes. They all deliver similar results and tastes.

What Is Butter Extract Made Of?

Butter extract is derived from real butter, so it tastes closely similar to real butter. For butter to be deemed an extract, it must contain at least 35 percent alcohol by volume; they also lack any resins, compounds, or alcohol-soluble volatile oils.

They contain a list of different ingredients depending on the brand, but the most notable ingredients of butter extract include water, alcohol, natural flavor, and extractives of butter (milk).

There are also variations of pure butter extract that are non-dairy, sugar-free, and gluten-free. Here is a list of substitutes you can use if butter extract is non-available:

Best Butter Extract Substitutes

1. Vanilla Extract

One of the best butter extract substitutes, vanilla extract is derived from vanilla beans left to sit in a blend of water and alcohol. It has a taste strikingly similar to butter extract, and people may be unable to tell the difference.

Vanilla extract is the closest butter extract substitute; it is the perfect alternative to reach for whenever you are out of butter extract.

Vanilla extract can be added to sweet recipes, such as cakes, custards, and puddings. But keep in mind that vanilla extract has a more intense flavor compared to pure butter extract.

So, you need to be mindful of the quantity of vanilla extract you add to your baked goods, so the dish doesn’t become overpowered by the flavor.

When making vanilla extract, the solution should contain at least 35 percent methanol and 100 grams of vanilla beans per liter of water.

This gives the right depth of flavor to your sweets. The more concentrated your vanilla extract is, the smaller the amount you need to add to a dish to yield the desired taste.

2. Almond Extract

Almonds are not everyone’s favorite because of their bitter taste, but almond extract is mild and delicate. This extract has a pure nutty flavor that complements other numerous ingredients, like coffee, cherry to chocolate, and a host of different baking recipes.

This butter extract substitute can also add a sweet touch to your cakes’ topping fillings or salad dressings.

You can get almond extract from the baking aisle or the flavoring sections in grocery chains like Walmart or whole foods.

See Also: Butter Extract Vs Butter Flavoring

3. Real Butter

There’s no better way to infuse a buttery flavor into your dishes than using real butter. Different western dishes use butter, and it gives the dishes a distinctively rich and creamy taste.

Real butter can also replace other fat-soluble substances in the recipe. For an even more intense flavor example, you add vanilla extract to the real butter; this infuses the butter with the full flavor, which is then transferred into the dish.

Both salted and unsalted butter are readily available in supermarkets and grocery stores, but you must purchase unsalted butter; this gives you the autonomy to control as much salt as you wish to add to your dishes.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil also has fat content, making it a suitable alternative to butter extract. Add a few drops of olive oil into your recipe to give it a rich, delightful, and irresistible flavor. Olive oil works best with sweet dishes like brownies, pies, and cornmeal cakes.

Olive oil has a more robust flavor compared to butter extract, so you only need a little in your dish. So if a recipe calls for 4 teaspoons of butter extract, you can replace it with 3 teaspoons of olive oil.

When using this butter extract substitute for baking, choose extra virgin olive oil as opposed to refined olive oil. They enhance the flavor of your baked goods but make sure to use extra virgin olive oil as it carries the unique and sophisticated taste and aroma of olives.

When unrefined, olive oil is said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as vital nutrients.

5. Canola Oil

This is another butter extract substitute that is best used in baking recipes. Canola oil is extracted from a wide range of rapeseed and lacks the taste of butter extract. But its light, neutral flavor blends well with other ingredients and does not stand out as the prominent flavor.

Canola oil complements other gourmet ingredients like organic milk or dark chocolate and brings out their tantalizing flavors.

Canola oil has a low saturated fat content, especially compared to other vegetable oils; this makes it the all-time favorite choice for health-conscious individuals. However, it is not recommended to use canola oil for custards, as it will ruin the consistency of the custard.

6. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has a unique creamy taste that makes it an amazing substitute for butter extract. It complements both sweet and savory recipes, making this ingredient one of the handiest replacements.

A milk protein in greek yogurt known as casein aids moisture retention when making sweet treats. It helps to thicken muffins’ batter, hydrate buns’ dough, and maintain the moisture and tenderness of banana bread.

Plain Greek yogurt is a healthy alternative to butter extract; it has a list of incredible benefits to your health; greek yogurt is fat-free, sugar-free, and has a high content of protein and probiotics, which is super beneficial to your digestive and immune system.

7. Almond Butter

Almond butter can be used in baked goods as a replacement for butter extract; it helps to add richness and moisture to recipes. In recent times, almond butter has become increasingly popular in plant-based cooking because it is dairy-free.

It is a great substitute for butter extract but adds a different flavor to your baked goods. Notwithstanding, almond butter will still yield successful results and help keep your cakes and cupcakes moist.

It is, however, not recommended to use almond butter in custard because, like canola and olive oil, it will ruin their consistency.

8. Applesauce

Applesauce is another ingredient that not only works as a butter extract substitute but can also be used in place of eggs in baking mainly because it adds richness and moistness to a cake, brownies, and other baked items.

It is a healthy substitute for butter extract; it flavors and texturizes cakes without needing any butter or butter extract. You may achieve a slightly different flavor when using applesauce, but your baked item will still turn out moist and delicious.

Can You Use Melted Butter Instead Of Butter Extract?

Yes, you can use melted butter instead of butter extract but may not achieve the exact flavor, but it is guaranteed to make your baked goods moist.

Replace butter extract with about half a stick of melted butter; you can add in some more for a pronounced flavor, but add a little at a time, so you do not alter the consistency of your recipe.


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